We are meeting in person this weekend!
Please consider the following before deciding to join us in person:
- Am I showing any flu-like symptoms?
- Have I had a fever in the past 14 days?
- Is there any medical reason why I believe I shouldn’t be around others?
- Have I been tested for COVID-19 and am I waiting for test results?
- Have I had prolonged exposure to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, we strongly encourage you to continue engaging with our online service this weekend and consider coming back in-person at a later date.
Our updated COVIDSafe service procedures are as follows:
- The church service will go for one hour from 10am till 11am.
- We have to wear masks.
- The chairs will continue to be socially distanced (1 per 2 sq m).
- We will continue to use the QR code / assisted checkin for registration in order to comply with contact tracing requirements.
- The children will continue to go directly into their Rockstars and Little Lights rooms immediately upon entry.
- Personal Prayer will continue to be in the room behind the Hall after the service.
- We will continue to exit through the side doors and out through the gate.
- Fellowship after the service will continue to be outside in the park